Pattern of Shareholding

The Companies Act, 2017 (Section 227 (2) (f))

Universal Network Systems Limited

Pattern of holding of the shares held by the Shareholders as at June 30, 2022.

No of Shareholders Share Holdings Total Shares Held
9 shareholding from 1 to 100 shares 287
179 shareholding from 101 to 500 shares 88,031
82 shareholding from 501 to 1,000 shares 82,000
76 shareholding from 1,001 to 5,000 shares 169,189
16 shareholding from 5,001 to 10,000 shares 122,708
5 shareholding from 10,001 to 15,000 shares 68,033
2 shareholding from 15,001 to 20,000 shares 34,729
1 shareholding from 20,001 to 25,000 shares 22,058
3 shareholding from 25,001 to 30,000 shares 82,936
1 shareholding from 35,001 to 40,000 shares 35,700
1 shareholding from 50,001 to 55,000 shares 52,639
1 shareholding from 60,001 to 65,000 shares 64,214
2 shareholding from 90,001 to 95,000 shares 182,149
2 shareholding from 100,001 to 105,000 shares 205,714
1 shareholding from 105,001 to 110,000 shares 108,310
2 shareholding from 205,001 to 210,000 shares 411,428
1 shareholding from 255,001 to 260,000 shares 257,500
1 shareholding from 265,001 to 270,000 shares 267,895
1 shareholding from 400,001 to 405,000 shares 404,329
1 shareholding from 445,001 to 450,000 shares 446,975
1 shareholding from 670,001 to 675,000 shares 670,462
2 shareholding from 890,001 to 895,000 shares 1,785,578
1 shareholding from 895,001 to 900,000 shares 896,852
1 shareholding from 1,000,001 to 1,005,000 shares 1,004,500
5 shareholding from 1,025,001 to 1,030,000 shares 5,142,885
1 shareholding from 14,600,001 to 14,605,000 shares 14,603,829
399 Total 27,428,430
S.No. Categories of Shareholders Shares held Percentage
1 Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and their spouse and minor children 16,870,213 61.51%
2 Associated Companies, undertakings and related parties. - 0.00%
3 NIT and ICP - 0.00%
4 Banks Development Financial Insititutions, Non Banking Financial Institutions. - 0.00%
5 Insurance Companies 26,049 0.09%
6 Modarabas and Mutual Funds 673,478 2.46%
7 Shareholders holding 10% 14,603,829 53.24%
8 General Public
a. Local 6,075,720 22.15%
b. Foreign 189,431 0.69%
9 Others 3,593,539 13.10%
Total (excluding : shareholder holding 10%) 16 27,428,430 100%

Disclosure Requirement under Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019 (CCG) as on June 30, 2022.

Categories of Shareholders Shareholders Shares held Percentage
Directors and their spouse(s) and minor children
Arif Elahi 1 500 0.00%
Safina Danish Elahi 1 14,603,829 53.24%
Mirza Qamar Beg 1 500 0.00%
Asfandyar Farrukh 1 205,714 0.76%
Nadine Malik Almani 1 500 0.00%
Imran Baxamoosa 1 1,028,580 3.75%
Ali Aamer Baxamoosa 1 1,028,590 3.75%
Salman Hameed 1 2,000 0.01%
Associated Companies, undertakings and related parties - - 0.00%
NIT & ICP - - 0.00%
Public Sector Companies and Corporations - - 0.00%
Banks, development finance institutions, non-banking finance companies, insurance companies, takaful and pension funds
Dawood Family Takaful Limited 1 26,049 0.09%
Modaraba and Mutual Funds
Modaraba Al-Mali 1 267,895 0.98%
B.R.R. Guardian Modaraba 1 1,254 0.01%
CDC - Trustee Faysal Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 1 404,329 1.47%
General Public
a. Local 315 6,075,720 22.15%
b. Foreign 63 189,431 0.69%
Roomi Enterprises (Pvt) Limited. 1 896,852 3.27%
Masood Spinning Mills Limited 1 670,462 2.44%
Trustees of Hamdard Laboratories (Waqf) Pakistan. 1 892,789 3.26%
Maple Leaf Capital Limited 1 1,028,572 3.75%
MRA Securities Limited 1 97 0.00%
Arif Habib Limited 1 475 0.00%
Trustee-First Dawood Inv. Bank Ltd. & Other Empolyees P.Fund 1 3,219 0.01%
B. R. R. Investment (Private) Limited 1 9,024 0.03%
Sarena Textile Industries (Private) Limited 1 92,049 0.34%
Total 399 27,428,430 100.00%
Share holders holding 10% or more Shares Held Percentage
Ms. Safina Danish Elahi 14,603,829 53.24%

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